Sign Up for our FREE Design Thinking Webinar considering DXP Solutions


What is Design Thinking?

Human centered design (design thinking) is “an approach to problem-solving commonly used in design and management frameworks that develops solutions to problems by involving the human perspective in all steps of the problem-solving process. Human involvement typically takes place in observing the problem within context, brainstorming, conceptualizing, developing, and implementing the solution.”

Helping You to Build a DXP Roadmap

In this webinar, Eduardo Moraes will share how Design Thinking can help your team through the process of building a roadmap for your DXP projects and help you answer the following questions.

  • What are the things we are doing right around:
    • Our digital presence and its presentation
    • Customer experience and usability
    • How we organize and share content
  • What technologies are we currently using and what processes are we using to attract, convert and create customer advocates?
  • How are we measuring the results? How do we define success?
  • Where can we improve? Where do we want to be?
    • Are we providing the right personalized experience to our customers?

If you’re interested in the benefits of Design Thinking applied to your DXP solution then subscribe to watch our webinar using the form on this page!

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